jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

Where the future is built

This is a picture of a place call Juriquilla in the outside of the city of Queretaro in Mexico, this is part is growing constantly and very fast because a lot of people from other parts of the country come to live here. This place is located like 15 minutes from the city of Queretaro and sometimes people that live in these parts don’t want to move around because the only way to get to the city is using a car or a very long and tedious bus, so for example if a family wants to go to the movies they need to travel to Queretaro so I was thinking of making a mall here, with cinemas and a food court, and even may be have some small rollercoaster and casinos for the elderly. 

The future is not in the palm of our hands

Sometimes we think that we have reached a point where human and computer interaction has reached a limit that we cannot find other ways to create this interaction, but then comes someone who decides to create something new, someone who dares to go beyond what we know. The use of the keyboard and mouse to interact with a computer is something from the last century, today we have touch screens, but the trend is going to not having something tangible. For example the kinect from Microsoft which reads the movement of the body of the people using cameras and sensors, or other types of interfaces like voice interface. We are reaching a point where science fiction is starting to be real.

One of the main focus of technology is to make like easier for everybody, for example the internet is a tool that help us communicate and transmit files from one side of the world with just one click, or maybe more than one click. Human and computer interface is the way we interact with machines and for people developing this  kind of stuff is important to make everything easier and more natural for people so using things like voice commands or just your body is a big tendency in today technology.

Baby steps with ehow.com

This ehow basically what tell us is that we should go buy a FM transmitter and build it with the instructions included inside the FM transmitter kit that you bought. Then you just make sure that the kit is complete and buy the stuff that is missing like antennas, auxiliary cables and stuff. After that you just build it and find a frequency that doesn’t create interference with an adjacent channel that is transmitting at a similar frequency. And then just plug the FM transmitter to a stereo or similar device to transmit inside your house, school, office or other kind of building.

FM Transmitter
To see the whole step by step click on the link:

Taking something normal and making it awesome

The BREAKFAST firm created an interactive sign post for the streets which can be rented by some company or for some event so the post sing points the way to that place. It can also be used to announce stuff, for example the weather, or football scores using the LED displays on the sign posts.  For me is always fun to see how people turn a very ordinary and common object and upgrading it using technology, and this is a very good example of how a common signpost can become something more than a static piece of metal in the street.

To see the full article you can click on this link: http://www.springwise.com/web-connected-signpost-offers-dynamic-news-info-directions/

The client is most of the time right

Name: Ludovika Perez
Age: 30 years
Job: Succesful business woman
Lives: On the city
Way of transportation: By car
Stuff that she enjoys: Travel, TV shows, fancy restaurants, expensive wine, jewelry, jogging
Needs: To eat fast and healthy, internet service in her smartphone for emails and stuff, frequent flying cards, free parking space near her office.
Other products: Nivea, beauty products, Apple
New product: Internet access in your devices in any part of the planet, windshield GPS, device to detect where can she find a parking spot.

Business idea: Sometimes people is driving to some place where they don’t know how to get so they just use their GPS, but to see where you are going you stop watching the device and maybe just that moment is enough to have an accident, but what if the GPS path is displayed on the wind shield so you don’t have to look over and over again to know where you are going.

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

My favorite Ted talk

For my ted talk I found and amazing topic, here is the link (http://www.ted.com/talks/jinha_lee_a_tool_that_lets_you_touch_pixels.html). The name of the ted talk is “Reach into the computer and grab a pixel” given by Jinha Lee. What he talked about was amazing because he showed different ways of human and computer interface, going from some basic stuff like using some kind of tool to draw to using magnetic fields to move and object in real space using a computer or your hand. For me to see that this kind of stuff is been develop is amazing, I love technology and sometimes people think that we arrive to a point where there is no other way to create different interfaces, but then projects like this appear showing us how the future is going to look like.

The first project that was shown was some kind of pen that when press to the screen it “transfers” it body to the inside of the screen allowing the user to draw stuff inside the computer. Then the second project was a screen that detected the movement of your hands allowing you to manipulate the objects of the computer using the movement of your hands. The third project consist en using a display that shows how some accessories will look like on you, like clocks and jewelry using digital representation. The last project shown was a really amazing thing, using magnetic fields and a spherical object, the user can move around this object and the computer will record the movement made and be able to replicate the movement without the user having to touch it.

Innovation to keep moving

Wheelchairs, in Mexico the top percent of people with some kind of disability have something related to an impediment of moving. So wheelchairs is a product that can help in so many ways handicap people, for example the use of brain sensors to move the chair with only your thoughts, a wheelchair that can climb stairs, and a wheelchair that can function as a lift to reach objects that are too high.

Two words and three ideas

Travel, comfort, destination, rest, food, speed, company, pillow, ticket, transport fee, bathroom, blanket, music, movie, needs, merchandise, baggage, economy, terrestrial transport, technology, car, bus, ship, fun, highway, airport, space ship, helicopter, passenger, distance, wheels, handicap transport, wheel chairs.

Computers, microchip, telecommunications, capacitor, resistors, temperature sensors, movement sensors, future, science, inventions, progress, robotics, security, electricity, bit, cars, brainwave sensors,  internet, communication, industry, heavy machinery, control, comfort, human computer interface, pixel, satellite, space

Idea 1: Screens in the wall of the bathrooms that plays publicity of some kind when people come inside the bathroom, they can even select what kind of publicity they want to watch while they pee.

Idea 2: Use UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) to patrol some zones of the city and detect if there is some crime taking place and having direct access to the police and sending some kind of distress signal.

Idea 3: Create a wheelchair that is controlled using a brainwave sensor, so this way people that can’t walk and used a wheelchair can move around using only the power of their thoughts. 

From ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY!!!!

Because we are destroying the world we like to make everything ecofriendly and what better way to save the world than creating ecofriendly flower stores. Some of the things this ecofriendly flower stores do to save the planet while making weddings look fabulous is not to use pesticides for the flowers which helps not to kill the people that sell the flowers and don’t contaminate the ground. Other way that is common for flower stores is to use recycled materials for the boxes and vases used to transport or hold the flowers.

3 Similar Business but 3 different ideas

1. 3 Photos of Similar Business Concepts to understand different business models
For the 3 different but similar businesses I choose some bakeries because I found a lot of those types of business everywhere here in Zagreb. But what makes this three bakeries different is the logo and the colors used in their locals, for example Omlinar and Pan-Pek I thing are franchises because there is a lot of those all around the city, the third bakery is a more independent one. And for the products they sell I found that Pan-Pek for example sells more sweet bread while the other two sold more salty ones, at least that was what I could understand from the tags on the bread.